Thursday 24 December 2015

A Holiday Message from Ginger!

Happy holidays friends and colleagues! The season is upon us! I love this time of year. The lights, the carols, the excitement in the air, the delight in our six year old son:) My favourite things to do during the holidays are to curl up with a good book, get into the studio for some soul-feeding creative time, cook slowly, go for solo walks, and spend quality time with everyone I love. I'm so looking forward to doing these things for the next two weeks and I hope you are doing things equally joyful and inspiring for yourself.

As I wrap up the year I'm looking back and thinking, yes it's been a really good one. I've been focused on changing habits—doing less, being more intentional with my time and energy, making choices that bring me closer to my truth while supporting my family. Nurturing my health is still a challenge but I'm getting there, and I've been finding more moments of joy and feeling happier overall. My days are filled with homeschooling our son, cooking foods for vitality, and making the transition from my art & design company to my small art-only business. It's been pretty slow going but yes I am slowly transitioning away from graphic design and focusing more on my art! This winter I will take the final steps away from Red Pear Creative after twelve meaningful years and start working under my own name. I have been working on my new Ginger Deverell brand including a new website and online store for months and I will be so excited to share it with you in the New Year.

I wish for each of you a restful and inspired holiday season with many moments of joy, connection and love, and vibrant wellness now and always. It's the real stuff, the stuff that truly matters, yeah?

Thank you to everyone who supports my art + dreams – I've got a whole lotta love for you!

xo Ginger

p.s. I added more of my paintings to Society6 so you have a greater selection for iphone and ipad cases, laptop covers, tote bags, throw cushions, t-shirts, duvet sleeves, mugs and more. Order online and it's shipped to your door. Check 'em out: (4 pics)

NOTE: In the new year I will be switching from @redpearcreative to @gingerdeverell on Instagram and Pinterest and Facebook and continuing my blog over on my new website when it launches. If you're already following me on social media we will automatically stay connected.